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How Often Should You Schedule Teeth Cleanings? A Dentist’s Perspective

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A woman receiving a professional teeth cleaning in El Paso.

Just like any other part of your body, it’s important to take care of your teeth as much as possible. While brushing and flossing play a major role in your oral hygiene, they aren’t enough to ensure your pearly whites remain in tip-top shape. It is imperative to schedule regular teeth cleanings and checkups with your dentist.

If you are looking for a trusted family dentist in El Paso, Benjamin Silva, DDS, is here to help. Call (915) 591-4303 today to schedule your teeth cleaning.

How Often Should I Get My Teeth Cleaned? 

At Silva Dentistry, we recommend getting your teeth cleaned every six months or twice per year. Bi-annual cleanings are the best way to ensure that your teeth stay as white, clean, and healthy as possible. 

Reasons to Get Your Teeth Cleaned Every Six Months

In addition to ensuring your teeth stay as clean as possible, here are a few additional reasons to get your teeth cleaned twice per year. 

Catch Potential Diseases 

Teeth cleaning in El Paso is just one aspect of your bi-annual dental checkup. During your visit, your dentist will also check the health of your teeth so they can spot any warning signs of oral diseases. Gingivitis, gum disease, tooth decay, and other issues are easily preventable with regular checkups. However, your dentist will only notice them if you actually show up for your 6-month teeth cleaning. 

Fix Cavities 

Your bi-annual teeth cleaning is also an excellent time for your dentist to fix any cavities that are present. This is important so that they don’t get worse and progress into crowns or root canals. 

Cheaper in the Long Run 

Because of how expensive cavities, crowns, and root canals are, it’s much cheaper if you keep them from happening in the first place. The best way to do that is by getting your teeth cleaned and checked every six months by a dental professional. 

What if I Can’t Get My Teeth Cleaned Twice Per Year? 

Getting your teeth cleaned every six months is the best way to keep them clean and healthy. However, we understand that you have a busy schedule and may not be able to make it in every six months. Additionally, if you don’t have dental insurance, you may not want to pay for bi-annual cleanings. If that’s the case, we recommend scheduling a teeth cleaning at least once per year. 

Teeth Cleaning Services in El Paso 

Whether you need to schedule a teeth cleaning appointment or dental checkup or have more in-depth oral needs, Benjamin Silva, DDS, can help. Call (915) 591-4303 today to get started.